Here is another peak at our new house. We have windows WOW! It is so fun to go by it and see all of the new things. I absolutely love every step of this project (except for the mistakes made by the builder that I have since corrected with my yankee attitude).
Brian still goes by our house daily to check in and I frequent it a couple of times a week. It is amazing to watch all of these things come in place in making a home. The subflooring, pipes, wiring, and now added insulation, architectural shingles, and windows. It is the small things that are making me happy right now. We should be getting our vinyl this week Lord willing if the weather permits.
Looking at this picture the office is the room down stairs where the windows are then you have the kitchen behind it with the living room in the back of the house. Then upstairs with the double windows is Landens room, and our room is where the other windows are beside of Landen. The fun shaped window is in my closet. On the back side will be Gabriel and Lilly's rooms.
We will continue to update you on the progress.
see u got ta remind these southerners that we girls were born up north. gotta bust out a lil yankeeness on them every once and a while. :)
I can't wait to see it up close & in person!
We now have siding and the inside has the dry wall. So, very exciting!
I miss you guys and can not wait for a summer visit (hopefully) at our new house.
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