Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A sneak peek of our beautiful home

Here is a quick sneak peek of our beautiful home. I will be posting pics periodically for you to share in this experience with us. I can not wait to sit on my front porch and share a cup of ice water with my dear friends. Thank you Lindsay and Jeremy for your advice yesterday!

President's Day = Dentist Day

That is right for the Wagener children President's day became Dentist Day. We spent 4 hours at the dentist but oh the fun we had. We found an awesome new dentist here in Charlotte and they are great with children. Landen and Gabriel had thier routine cleaning and it was Lilly's first time at the dentist.

The receptionist let the children sit at the real check in desk with their own clip boards. They were able to draw pictures and she took their pictures on her computer and played with them. Landen has braces so he is a pro now with the dentist since he goes once a month. Lilly was invited back to watch Gabriel's check up so she would not be scared. The dental hygenist let Gabriel play with the sucker thing which he thought was so cool. Then it was time for Lilly to sit in the special seat. The dental hygenist let her have a pair of rubber gloves and glasses just like what she wears to clean your teeth. Lilly thought she was so special. Then she got to play with the sucker and she rode up and down in the chair.

We are happy to report that there are no cavities!!! If you are looking for an awesome dentist office for your whole family let me know.

How did you spend your President's day?