Lilly had a blast at Monkey Joes today another first for us.

She had so much fun climbing on all of their blow up things. What a fun place for a little girl with so much energy. I even was able to slide down the slide with her which was fun.

Happy Birthday Raquel! She is one of Lilly's friends who lives across the street from us. After the party we were asked to come back to their house to enjoy a feast with all of their family and close friends. I love the spanish culture especially when it comes to parties with yummy food.

Monkey Joe made a special appearance and Lilly had to get a hug from the monkey.

We had one more surprise to finish off our weekend a sleep over for Lilly with Ashlyn another friend of Lilly's who lives two doors down from us. Landen has had fun today riding his dirt bike and hanging out with his Daddy again. Gabriel enjoyed church with Grammy and Pappy and then he came home to work on his costume. Now we are all settling down the girls are watching Cinderella, Landen is watching football and Gabriel is playing in his room. Brian is being a super sweet hubby and cleaning the house while I update our Blog. What a fun weekend we have had!