We have been blessed to be able to watch my Moms doggie Mercedez this week and what a blessing it has been. Gabriel and I both have very bad allergies and asthma so we are unable to have a dog in our home. Mercedez is an exception to the rule because she is a Maltese and has regular hair so, we are not allergic to her. The children have all been excited to help take care of her and are sad to see her go home this evening.
Now the real excitement hits this weekend. Lilly has a dinner date at Chick-fil-A with her friend Morgan this evening. Birthday party at Build-A-Bear with pizza party afterwards tomorrow . Sunday she has another birthday party to go to at Monkey Joes. Gabriel gets to spend the night at my Moms house on their small farm where he has his very own goats. One of his goats is expecting so he can't wait to see her big tummy. So, we have the pleasure to have our oldest son Landen all to ourselves for the evening. He prefers to hang out at the house with us still rather than spend the night at someone elses house still.
I will update our blog on Monday with pics from the weekends festivities.