Look at this handsome little man. We love him so and he is such a joy to play with but his tummy is making him a very unhappy little guy right now.
"Are you serious that I may not be able to have any more cows milk?"
We took the boys in for their usual check up before school starts this morning. The boys are growing in height but not in weight both actually have lost weight especially Gabriel. Landen has lost weight due to his high matabolism and Gabriel well, due to other reasons.
Over the past couple of months Gabriel has been refusing to eat complaining that it hurts his tummy. He really has gone on and on about this and when he was even turning down hamburgers we knew something was definitely wrong. I explained this to the Dr and how when he eats certain foods he gets a tummy ache. Now some of these things include cake and cookies which to most children are very yummy. Gabriel doesn't like them and says that they hurt his tummy. The same things has been happening with milk and dairy products. Gabriel explained that it feels like spikes are stabbing him.
These symptoms show symptoms of lactose and wheat allergies so, the Dr sent us to the lab. They are testing Gabriel for these allergies and for the next week he can not have any dairy products at all until we hear back with the results. If we find out that he indeed has wheat allergies we will be a wheat free home. Do you know how hard this is going to be???
I can only imagine... I am thankful though that if it is all of this we have caught it while he is young and that he will no longer be living in pain after every meal.
I would love to hear any information that you ladies have who may be experiencing this yourself. I am getting closer and closer to scheduling an appointment with some of my friends Dr. "Hey Lindsay do you think you can ask him about that 1/2 price for 1/2 the organs?"
Yeah, I'll ask him Shawna! Ha Ha!!! That was too funny:) Except Gabe has all his organs.
Listen, don't hesitate to call Bobby on this one! He will get those allergies cured. Many have seen success with this. I wouldn't even question it, I would make the appt now! Okay, well maybe you should think about it, but you know what I mean!
Living without wheat is very hard to do, I have done it. But it is really healthy not to eat it. Tons of people have problems with gluten and they are linking it to all kinds of diseases and disorders.
I will be in prayer for you. There is a little girl in our co-op that has wheat and dairy allergies. It is a tough way to live. Please keep me updated as to what you find out.
There are other successful ways to treat allergies w/o having to see alternative practices. Pray about it and decide which is best for Gabriel.
FYI, I had dairy and wheat allergies as a kid and was treated and cured! It can be done!!
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