Yes, Mimzy is her name and she is our new family member. We have been blessed with a new baby girly who has to live in our garage because I am very allergic to her. She is still loved very much and is played with all the time. Brian decided to give her a bath this weekend to make sure that she did not have any fleas. Enjoy the pics of our Mimzy girls first bath.
FINALLY I got it loaded up on my computer. I had to read it all the way back to Lil's first day of school. It was great. I love the blogging thing. It is lots of fun and a realy easy way to keep in touch (even our our schedule). Hope to see more in the future. XOXOX Tab!
thanks shawna for the remedy for teething, he started to get better just as i was going to get some, so maby next time it will come in handy!
hey aunt shanna thats a cool lil kitty you have. hope all is well. love u lots, becca
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