I can hardly believe that our little Princess is off to school already. I had a hard time sleeping last night just thinking about all of her firsts from birth till now. Lilly had no problem sleeping she was ready for her first day of school especially since she excelled in her preschool class. She knows how to count to 90, all of her letters and numbers and how to read some three letter words. She couldn't wait to go to school this morning to meet all of her new friends and to see her Kindergarten class. You know it is funny really how I have this excitement of all of our children finally being in school yet there is that little part of me that longs for my Princess to still be a baby. Lilly was sitting with me last night in her bed and she looked over at me and asked me "Mommy don't you want me to be a big girly? I promise I will still be your Princess and I will miss you lots but I will have lots of fun Mommy" After that I realized I had to get over it and let her be my big girly after all. So, we read her Kindergarten Rocks book and sang our silly bedtime songs and Lilly fell fast asleep.
Hey girl, it's good to see you have started a blog. I told my Brian what you said about the AC and he would like to call your Brian. We need a phone number! Thanks for the info!
I was really inspired by yours and the Gibsons blog so had to join in the fun. I miss you all so much and the relationships that we had. Hey, how do you get music on your blog? I would love to put the song Be Near on mine. Brian's business is Superior HVAC and he can be reached at (704)490-0031.
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