Friday, February 29, 2008


You're...My Friend,

my companion,through good times and bad
my friend, my buddy,through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles,with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there, throughout the years!

I want to honor my dear friend Sara who is also my sweet neighbor. She lives across the road from me and has a cute little son Jacob of whom I have writtten about previously on here. But, today I would like to honor Sara for her openess and loyalty as a friend.
Our friendship started out really slowly. She was the lady who lived across the street who was quiet and a house body. I was the inquiring neighbor who knocked on her door and introduced myself. Through the months we have spoken more and waved from across the street. I have found that Sara is not really quiet after all =)

Three weeks ago right before my surgery when I was really scared she shared with me that she too had been through the same thing. What a comfort she was. Then the day after my surgery I was stuck in the recliner (literally) and I called her on the phone for help she was over in less than a minute to help me up. She continued to come over daily to help me up, to make my meals, talk with me, she even brought me a bunch of chick flicks to watch. What a blessing she was.

During this week of recovery I realized what a true friend she was. We have since spent every day together talking, cleaning, grocery shopping, counseling each other, and scolding each other lovingly.

Sara, Thank you for being such a wonderful friend.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A sneak peek of our beautiful home

Here is a quick sneak peek of our beautiful home. I will be posting pics periodically for you to share in this experience with us. I can not wait to sit on my front porch and share a cup of ice water with my dear friends. Thank you Lindsay and Jeremy for your advice yesterday!

President's Day = Dentist Day

That is right for the Wagener children President's day became Dentist Day. We spent 4 hours at the dentist but oh the fun we had. We found an awesome new dentist here in Charlotte and they are great with children. Landen and Gabriel had thier routine cleaning and it was Lilly's first time at the dentist.

The receptionist let the children sit at the real check in desk with their own clip boards. They were able to draw pictures and she took their pictures on her computer and played with them. Landen has braces so he is a pro now with the dentist since he goes once a month. Lilly was invited back to watch Gabriel's check up so she would not be scared. The dental hygenist let Gabriel play with the sucker thing which he thought was so cool. Then it was time for Lilly to sit in the special seat. The dental hygenist let her have a pair of rubber gloves and glasses just like what she wears to clean your teeth. Lilly thought she was so special. Then she got to play with the sucker and she rode up and down in the chair.

We are happy to report that there are no cavities!!! If you are looking for an awesome dentist office for your whole family let me know.

How did you spend your President's day?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Sweet Valentine

I absolutely love celebrating Valentine's day.

This year we decided to celebrate Valentine's day as a family. Brian and I had flowers delivered to each child at school and then later that evening I made a special dinner for the whole family along with Valentine cupcakes with heart sprinkles. We all ate by candle light and then I surprised everyone with their own box of chocolates. Every year we give each child their own box of chocolates and a special treat for Daddy and Mommy. Brian surprised Lilly and I with lily flowers our favorite!

This year Jacob who lives across the street from us who is also in kindergarten asked if Lilly could be his "Valentime". Then after approval of her being his best friend (Valentine) he surprised Lilly with a dozen little pink roses and a goody bag. They are the best of friends and play so well together. Daddy asked Lilly "who is your Valentine" and Daddy still ranks at the top of the list.

This was such a special day for all of us I do hope that you will share with me how you celebrated Valentine's day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

We are sheep?

Last night I was hanging out with some ladies from church and we were discussing the bible. One of the elder ladies had pointed out that we are like sheep. Sheep? Of course I have heard this numerous times but it hasn't been explained in I guess simple terms for me to really grasp the whole picture.

If we are surrounded with other believers in the herd, as sheep are in the field, wouldn't it be harder for the devil to distract us?

This morning I decided to look up pictures of sheep on the web check out these pics. If we followed what the scriptures say and realized that we are Gods flock and if we surrounded ourselves with other Godly women wouldn't it be harder for the devil to tempt us ladies? Look at this picture of a flock of sheep now if we think of how a farm works the sheep that go astray get eaten. Just like us as believers if we go away from the flock of believers and go on our own what will happen to us? The very same thing we will be eaten up by Satan and he knows that we are weak on our own.

Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Gen 100:3

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Family fun

Today is our family fun day and it has been swell.

This has been the first day of me not sitting in the recliner all day. I have been spending my mornings sleeping in the recliner and then my sweet neighbor Sara has been coming over to check on me and serve me lunch. We then watch a chick flick and then it is time for nurse Sara to go get her little guy Jacob and my Dr Landen to come home to then care for Mommy. Dr.Landen has learned how to clean the kitchen, load the dish washer correctly and cook a frozen lasagna.

In the evenings I have spent my time on the sofa while Brian makes dinner, completes homework assignments with the little ones and gets everyone in the tub and ready for bed. Lilly has enjoyed being Daddy's bed buddy.

Today I decided to only take my pain med's as needed which has made it easier on my nasea and I have been able to walk around more with the children. We went to Landens basketball game and then to see the concrete slab for our new house. The children love playing in our new back yard and we all can not wait for the next 17 weeks to fly by.

I am getting the itch to start packing and sorting through the things that will be going in the moving sale. As soon as I am back to normal I will be calling Harris Teeter for their boxes and start the process. The last time we moved I almost halved our belongings I wonder how well I will do this time??? This will be the best spring cleaning job ever because this is our last move!

If any of you have any ideas on paint colors I am still in need of advice. Our main colors are pottery barn red (our sofa), 70's green if you have seen my living room wall in my post from Thanksgiving. I really like black and white zebra print as well. Help me ladies!!!

May the Lord bless your family this weekend!

Monday, February 4, 2008

NY Rocks

Let me start with NY Rocks as you could see by the Super Bowl we won YEAH!!!
I am not even a real NY Giants fan but when you are from NY and they are playing in the Super Bowl you have to root for your home team.
Let me give you a brief on our weekend since I left many of you in limbo last week.
Friday, I had my appointment with the surgeon and he explained in full detail what was going on with my gall bladder and how the surgery would take place. Then I was sent over for some more blood work to ensure that they wouldn't have to do an additional surgery procedure on all of my ducts. My blood work came back Friday evening and my scores have come down a little so, they feel confident in going ahead with the original procedure.
I will be going in tomorrow morning at 10:30 and the surgery should start at 12:30. They are going to do it laproscopically which I am happy about only a couple of holes and out through the belly button. I am hoping that I will loose some weight along with this lovely gall bladder. Please pray that there are no loose gall stones floating around in the ducts as this could cause serious issues. Brian and I are confident in the surgeon and feel at peace with the surgery. I have been in a lot of pain this weekend throughout my shoulders and back. I will be happy to have relief after my surgery tomorrow.
I will be out of commission for a week after my surgery. Thankfully our little ones are in afterschool care right now so I will be able to rest throughout the day. Brian will be picking them up on his way home from work and we stocked up on freezer meals so, I do not have to worry with dinner. Lunch will be my plain fat free diet of yogurt, salad, and oh I get to eat sherbet which I love and right now that is heaven!!! If any of you have any ideas on fat free, acid free meals please share your info. Please keep Brian in your prayers as we have no family close by to help us he will be having to run the show by himself this week.
Onto better things...
Saturday morning we went to the library which the children love and we found some fun books to read. We went by our house to take pictures of our footings that have been poured. The children had fun running around and playing in our soon to be back yard. Landen had his basketball game at 1pm where he did an exceptional job on defense. We were so proud of him "way to go Landen". We finished off our Saturday with a big surprise for the children the circus. What a fun time we all had watching all of the talent these individuals have. Gabriel kept asking me when he could join the circus. He saw these young gymnasts who were from Japan make pyramids with their bodies. He feels like he could do that as well and wants to sign up for the circus. Gabriel is our family clown.
Sunday Landen, Gabriel and Lilly were all invited over to a friends house to play for the afternoon. Brian and I went to the grocery store and then just hung out at the house and watched a movie together. Last night we finished our weekend off with the Super Bowl.
The Lord has been so good to us to bless us with another fun filled weekend! I will try and post pictures from our weekend soon sorry for the lack of pictures lately.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Jesus Bring the rain!!!

I can count a million times People asking me how I Can praise You with all that I've gone through. The question just amazes me. Can circumstances possibly Change who I forever am in You? Maybe since my life was changed Long before these rainy days It's never really ever crossed my mind. To turn my back on you, oh Lord My only shelter from the storm. But instead I draw closer through these times. So I pray Bring me joy, Bring me peace, Bring the chance to be free Bring me anything that brings You glory. And I know there'll be days When this life brings me pain But if that's what it takes to praise You Jesus, bring the rain. I am yours regardless of the clouds that may loom above because you are much greater than my pain you who made a way for me suffering your destiny so tell me whats a little rain. (Mercy Me "Bring the Rain)

Yesterday while at work I received a call from my frantic Dr. some of my blood work scores had been called in from the hospital lab and they had more than doubled in two days. As I have already shared with you the norm for the gall bladder is 0-40 and to come to find out that is the same score for a liver as well. On Monday my liver was at 300 + and my gall bladder was at 426. Wednesday's scores were 786 for my liver and 892 for my gall bladder.

The Dr could not believe that I wasn't in more pain and really could not believe that I was at work. My doctor does not know who the real healer is does he? I will be going to the surgeon this afternoon at 4pm. They had an appointment for me yesterday but by the time I received the message it was too late for me to go. They should also have all of my test results this morning which I am excited to hear.

Last night we rented Daddy Day Camp and we just cuddled up on the sofa and had some family time. I really enjoy spending time with our little ones especially cuddled up on our sofa. They are all so hugable and lovable.

Last night my back was hurting more and my chest was a little tight almost like a slight contraction. After the movie we all went to bed and I was able to sleep soundly. This morning I woke up to the comforting sound of rain. I love the smell and sound of a steady rain. So, I just layed there, closed my eyes and sang to myself Jesus bring the rain.

I am having more back pain and my chest is a lot tighter but as long as I stay relaxed it is bearable. I am looking forward to this weekend of family fun. One of my co-workers has blessed us tremendously by gaining tickets for our whole family to go and see the Barnum and Bailey circus tomorrow evening. This is a surprise for our little sweeties and I just know that they will be exstatic!