You're...My Friend,
my companion,through good times and bad
my friend, my buddy,through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles,with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there, throughout the years!
I want to honor my dear friend Sara who is also my sweet neighbor. She lives across the road from me and has a cute little son Jacob of whom I have writtten about previously on here. But, today I would like to honor Sara for her openess and loyalty as a friend.
Our friendship started out really slowly. She was the lady who lived across the street who was quiet and a house body. I was the inquiring neighbor who knocked on her door and introduced myself. Through the months we have spoken more and waved from across the street. I have found that Sara is not really quiet after all =)
Three weeks ago right before my surgery when I was really scared she shared with me that she too had been through the same thing. What a comfort she was. Then the day after my surgery I was stuck in the recliner (literally) and I called her on the phone for help she was over in less than a minute to help me up. She continued to come over daily to help me up, to make my meals, talk with me, she even brought me a bunch of chick flicks to watch. What a blessing she was.
During this week of recovery I realized what a true friend she was. We have since spent every day together talking, cleaning, grocery shopping, counseling each other, and scolding each other lovingly.
Sara, Thank you for being such a wonderful friend.